October 27, 2014

7 Lovely Logics to Live By

We had our group team building last 24th and 25th of October at Agua Villa, Catmon. The place was good for team outing or gathering. It has a nice view too. But, I won't be talking about that. That topic would be for an entirely different post. 

This time I am going to talk or rather share some of the quotes that I had found in the villa that we lived in. Since the house has plenty of them, this one (and their are others too) caught my attention. As, a good blogger who haven't had any posts lately (sorry bout that), thought this is actually a good comeback of the sort. 

Anyways,  here are the seven simple logic that is true in its simplest ways:


When I read this, I was smiling to myself and wondered how true it was. 

Question is...

Do you agree?


 (And...Oh! I edited this picture myself just so you know ;)